domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018


Como tem sido o foco das leituras atuais, a que tenho me dedicado, aqui acrescento uma obra a que em breve me debruçarei. 

Como segue abaixo; é sabido que "Kant era um epistemólogo, um filósofo da mente, um metafísico da experiência, um especialista em ética e um filósofo da religião. Mas tudo isso foi sustentado por sua fé religiosa", pontos que sempre me interessaram e compõem minhas leituras básicas.  Portanto, é nessa linha que seguirei. 

O livro tem como objetivo recuperar alguns pontos bastante criticados por outros pensadores. 

"Primeiro, situa Kant na tradição de reflexão sobre a fraqueza humana, de Lutero a Hume; em seguida [...], todo o trabalho pré-crítico de Kant, incluindo seus fragmentos póstumos. Especial atenção é dada ao The Only Possible Ground (1763), um dos mais difíceis, interessantes e subestimados trabalhos de Kant. O presente livro se baseia em uma antiga abordagem de Kant, mas também se engaja com estudos acadêmicos anglófonos e continentais recentes, e emprega ferramentas analíticas modernas para dar sentido a Kant. O resultado é uma interpretação inovadora e instigante da metafísica de Kant, tendo como pano de fundo aspectos religiosos esquecidos da filosofia européia. ” 
(Grifos são meus)

Resta-me prosseguir... 


Kant is widely acknowledged as the greatest philosopher of modern times. He undertook his famous critical turn to save human freedom and morality from the challenge of determinism and materialism. Intertwined with his metaphysical interests, however, he also had theological commitments, which have received insufficient attention. He believed that man is a fallen creatureand in need of ‘redemption’. He intended to provide a fortress protecting religious faith from the failure of rationalist metaphysics, from the atheistic strands of the Enlightenment, from the new mathematical science of nature, and from the dilemmas of Christian theology itself. Kant was an epistemologist, a philosopher of mind, a metaphysician of experience, an ethicist and a philosopher of religion. But all this was sustained by his religious faith.
This book aims to recover the focal point and inner contradictions of his thought, the ‘secret thorn’ of his metaphysics (as Heidegger once put it). It first locates Kant in the tradition of reflection on the human weakness from Luther to Hume, and then engages in a critical, but charitable, manner with Kant’s entire pre-critical work, including his posthumous fragments. Special attention is given to The Only Possible Ground(1763), one of the most difficult, interesting and underestimated of Kant’s works. The present book takes its cue from an older approach to Kant, but also engages with recent Anglophone and continental scholarship, and deploys modern analytical tools to make sense of Kant. What emerges is an innovative and thought-provoking interpretation of Kant’s metaphysics, set against the background of forgotten religious aspects of European philosophy.”

KANTERIAN, Edward. Kant, God and Metaphysics: the secret thorn. Routledge, 2017)
"Edward Kanterian is Senior Lecturer in philosophy at the University of Kent. Previously he was a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Oxford. His research interests include metaphysics, the philosophy of logic and language, the ethics of memory, and modern philosophy. He is the author of several books, the most recent of which is on Frege’s logic."

Fontes: (The Prussian of Königsberg e Amazon)

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