II Seminar for Classical German Philosophy invites you to submit an abstract
for a talk proposal to the event, which will occur at Federal University of
Mato Grosso, city of Cuiabá, MT, Brazil.
accept talk proposals that are products of academic research and are related to
German Classical Philosophy, understood as philosophy written in German
language between Leibniz and the death of Hegel.
encourage different kinds of approaches, being they interpretative,
historiographic, contemporary re-interpretations of philosophers of German
Classical Philosophy, as well as re-interpretations focused on contemporary
problems and concepts.
the II Seminar on Classical German Philosophy
Seminar is a continuation of the “I Seminar on Classical Philosophy at UFJF”,
organized with the research groups “Dialética”, “Iluminismo à Contraluz” and
“NUFCAL – Núcleo de Pesquisas em Filosofia Clássica Alemã”. This edition brings
an extension of the event, in a way to think it as a continuous and national
event in its organization.
main purpose of this Seminar is to bring together researchers on the wide topic
of Classical German Philosophy, considering philosophical works in German
language produced during the first half of 18th Century until half of 19th
Century. In this wide and rich historical period, we can emphasize the
reception and systematization of Leibniz’s philosophy with Christian Wolff,
involving debates about Metaphysics, Psychology, Logics and Theology, as well
as the creation of Aesthetics as Philosophical science with Baumgarten. This
period features the peak of the development of Enlightenment in German speaking
world; the genesis of Kant’s philosophy and the development of Critical philosophy,
taking as the Critique of Pure Reason turning point; the development of
philosophy of history through the reception of Leibniz’s Theodicy, as well as
Herder’s and Kant’s ideas on history; the critical reception of Kantian
philosophy, stimulating the debate between skeptics and critical philosophers,
what gives rise to new paths to Kantian transcendental philosophy, as in German
Romanticism, German Idealism and Schopenhauer; the development of modern
dialectics with Fichte, Schelling and Hegel, as well as the rise of
philosophical Hermeneutics with Schleiermacher.
wide historical range brings many possibilities of transdisciplinary
approaches, as with Physics, Biology, History, Psychology, Politics and Arts.
the historical study, the event also seeks to stimulate the contemporary debate
through Classical German Philosophy’s concepts and arguments that survive time
and which are, in many cases, still on the ground of philosophical contemporary
debates. The dialogue between contemporary philosophers with Classical German
Philosophy is considered here as essential to a good understanding of the
process of critical development of ideas, world conceptions, and arguments,
without which we cannot have a proper view of our times. Along these lines, we
emphasize the discussion around Enlightenment against its contemporary cultural
and political crisis, the relationship between modern, romantic and idealist
conceptions on nature and human being and its connection to environmental
crisis, the educational and social formation, the place of religion and
theology in modern and secular society (considering its atomization and focus
on material and abstract consumption), and mainly the discussion about the
update of dialectics in relation to contemporary theories, as the biological
evolutionary theory thought in an universalized way, in philosophical terms.
for the proposals:
proposals must be sent with the title, author’s name with academic degree and
institution (when applied), an abstract between 300 – 500 words, three to five
Keywords and the basic bibliographical references. Each talk will have 20
minutes + 10 minutes for discussion.
in Portuguese, Spanish and English will be accepted.
6th July 2019
Result: until 21th July 2019
the proposal to the following e-mail:
proposals will be selected considering the following criteria: adequacy to the
Seminar subject, clarity of exposition, relevance of bibliography to the
subject, quality of reasoning.
proposals will be judged by the Organizing Committee.
Bueno Kurle (UFMT)
Bruno Cunha (UFSJ)
Luciano Utteich (UNIOESTE-PR)
Luis Henrique Dreher (UFJF)
Mario Spezzapria (UFMT)
Bruno Cunha (UFSJ)
Luciano Utteich (UNIOESTE-PR)
Luis Henrique Dreher (UFJF)
Mario Spezzapria (UFMT)
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