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A obra de Immanuel Kant e
sua relação com os diversos pontos de vista dos pensadores alemães do século
Os textos tratam de diversos aspectos de sua lógica, mente, metafísica, epistemologia, teoria da ciência e ética; “religião”, “política”, estética, história.
Os textos tratam de diversos aspectos de sua lógica, mente, metafísica, epistemologia, teoria da ciência e ética; “religião”, “política”, estética, história.
Em dois volumes:
- “This collection of new essays, the first of its kind in English, considers the ways in which the philosophy of Immanuel Kant engages with the views of lesser-known eighteenth-century German thinkers. Each chapter casts new light on aspects of Kant's complex relationship with these figures, particularly with respect to key aspects of his logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theory of science, and ethics. The portrait of Kant that emerges is of a major thinker thoroughlyengaged with his contemporaries - drawing on their ideas and approaches, targeting their arguments for criticism and responding to their concerns, and seeking to secure the legacy of his thought among them. This volume will open the door for further research on Kant and his methods of philosophical inquiry, while introducing readers to the distinctive and influential philosophical contributions of several previously neglected figures.”
- “Kant's philosophical achievements have long overshadowed those of his German contemporaries, often to the point of concealing his contemporaries' influence upon him. This volume of new essays draws on recent research into the rich complexity of eighteenth-century German thought, examining key figures in the development of aesthetics and art history, the philosophy of history and education, political philosophy, and the philosophy of religion. The essays range over numerous thinkers including Baumgarten, Mendelssohn, Meyer, Winckelmann, Herder, Schiller, Hamann and Fichte, showing how they variously influenced, challenged, and revised Kant's philosophy, at times moving it in novel directions unacceptable to the magister himself. The volume will be valuable for all who are interested in this distinctive period of German philosophy.”
DAHLSTROM, Daniel O. Kant and his German Contemporaries: Volume 1, Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics. Cambridge University Press, 2018
DYCK, Corey W. Kant and his German Contemporaries: Volume 2, Aesthetics, History, Politics, and Religion. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
DAHLSTROM, Daniel O. Kant and his German Contemporaries: Volume 1, Logic, Mind, Epistemology, Science and Ethics. Cambridge University Press, 2018
DYCK, Corey W. Kant and his German Contemporaries: Volume 2, Aesthetics, History, Politics, and Religion. Cambridge University Press, 2018.
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