Os capítulos desse livro, com certeza, fazem deste, um dos melhores livros que acabei de ler sobre a temática. Está entre os muitos que tive que ler para a redação dos trabalhos e sãos capítulos que examinam a "estrutura teórica da 'ética da virtude' e seu lugar na teoria moral
contemporânea, bem como a história das abordagens da ética baseadas na virtude,
o que torna essas abordagens distintas, no que elas podem dizer sobre questões
práticas específicas."
Como disse, um dos melhores livros sobre a temática que acabei de ler. E, a este, do mesmo autor, outros já acrescentei para leituras futuras.
“Virtue ethics has emerged from a
rich history to become one of the fastest-growing fields in contemporary
ethics. In this volume of newly commissioned essays, leading moral philosophers
offer a comprehensive overview of virtue ethics. They examine the theoretical
structure of virtue ethics and its place in contemporary moral theory, as well
as the history of virtue-based approaches to ethics, what makes these approaches
distinctive, what they can say about specific practical issues, and where we
can expect them to go in the future. This Companion will be useful to students
of virtue ethics and the history of ethics, and to others who want to
understand how virtue ethics is changing the face of contemporary moral
Sobre o autor: Daniel C. Russell
Professor of Philosophy at
the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom and the Department of
Philosophy,University of Arizona, and the Percy Seymour Readerin Ancient History
and Philosophy at Ormond College, University of Melbourne. He is the author of Plato on Pleasure and the Good Life
(2005), Practical Intelligence and the
Virtues (2009), and Happiness for
Humans (2012).
(Grifos são meus)
RUSSELL. Daniel C. The cambridge companion to virtue ethics. New York: Cambrige University Press, 2013.
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