O livro discute novas
abordagens sobre a filosofia de Platão, sobre ontologia e psicologia platônicas.
Temas voltados a relação entre mente e
emoções, a ontologia e ética. Tudo a partir
de análises de diálogos de Platão, como a República, o “Banquete” (Simpósio), Teeteto, Timeu e as Leis.
This edited volume brings together contributions from prominent scholars to
discuss new approaches to Plato’s philosophy, especially in the burgeoning
fields of Platonic ontology and psychology. Topics such as the relationship
between mind, soul and emotions, as well as the connection between ontology and
ethics are discussed through the analyses of dialogues from Plato’s middle and
late periods, such as the Republic, Symposium, Theaetetus, Timaeus and Laws.
These works are being increasingly studied both as precursors for Aristotelian
philosophy and in their own right, and the analyses included in this volume
reveal some new interpretations of topics such as Plato’s attitude towards
artistic imagination and the possibility of speaking of a teleology in Plato.
Focusing on hot topics in
the area, Psychology and Ontology in Plato provides a good sense of what is
happening in Platonic scholarship worldwide and will be of interest to academic
researchers and teachers interested in ancient philosophy, ontology and
philosophical psychology.”
Lucca. Psychology and Ontology in Plato.
Springer, 2019.
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