quarta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2020


A noção de razão ou racionalidade de Kant em relação às ciências. Um evento que acontecerá em Kaliningradro (Rússia)



Online Conference

9-11 October, 2020

Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), Kaliningrad

Kant Research Group at Western - Photos | Facebook

(IMAGEM: Kant im Arbeitszimmer)

Kant’s notion of reason or rationality as related to the sciences is multifaceted. For instance, reason provides certain “ideas” for scientific research and for the integration of its results; it has methodological functions in theoretical explanation, experimentation (including thought experiments), or mathematical proof. Moreover, reason is the source of the “form” and “matter” of the so-called Vernunftwissenschaften, such as logic, mathematics, metaphysics, and pure natural science, but also plays theoretical roles in empirical sciences such as history and anthropology. In addition, reason guides the structured classification or “architectonic” of all sciences into one complete and consistent system. This diversity of aspects and activities of reason for the sciences needs to be understood; and one equally well needs to ask what, if anything, unifies that rich diversity. Last but not least, the conference also aims to take a fresh look at Kant’s impact for accounts of scientific rationality up until today. How has the concept of such rationality developed after Kant? Where did he have an influence, and where did new assumptions and agendas emerge and why? Where can current debates still profit from Kant’s account?”

Organized by:

 Prof. Dr. Thomas Sturm

Prof. Dr. Nina Dmitrieva

Dr. Andrey Zilber

Participation is free, but please register until September 30, 2020, with Andrey Zilber (azilber@kantiana.ru).



(Kaliningrad time = Central European Time)


October 9

913:30 Welcome: Thomas Sturm & Nina Dmitrieva

Chair: Rudolf Meer

13:45 Thomas Sturm

A Pluralistic Account of Reason in Kant’s Philosophy of Science

14:45 Michiel Van Lambalgen

Kant’s Vision of Mathematical Structures Underlying the Critique of Pure Reason:

Completions and Completeness

15:45 Break

16:15 James Hebbeler (Philadelphia 10:15 a.m.)

Kant on Reason, Explanation, and Science

17:15 Hein Van den Berg & Boris Demarest

Kant on Scientific Hypotheses: Historical and Systematic Perspectives

18:15 Break

18:45 Michael Bennett McNulty (Twin Cities 11:45 a.m.)

The Unity of Reason and Its Varieties: Systematicity in Chemistry, Psychology, and Natural History

October 10

Chair: Martin Sticker

13:30 Rudolf Meer

Kant on Maupertuis and Teleology

14:30 Sergio Alberto Fuentes Gonzalez

Thought Experiments in Kant’s Philosophy: Types, Roles and Applications

15:30 Break

16:00 Lydia Patton (Virginia 10:00 a.m.)

Worlds and Powers: Reason in Kant’s Theory of Matter in the Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science

17:00 David Hyder (Ottawa 11:00 a.m.)

Space, Time and Cause: The Rational Determination of Nature in Kant and Einstein

18:00 Break

18:30 Huaping Lu-Adler (San Jose, CA 09:30 a.m.)

“Your Honor, I Would Like to Call …”: Kant’s Theory and Use of Testimony 

October 11

Chair: Vadim Chaly

13:30 Valentin Bazhanov (Ulyanovsk 15:30)

The Concept of Number Through the Lens of the Kantian Research Program in Current Neuroscience

14:30 Alexey Zhavoronkov (Moscow 15:30)

Kant’s Pragmatic Reason in Contemporary Sociology: Third Way or Methodological Impasse?

15:30 Break

16:00 Karin De Boer & Pavel Reichl

Kantian Elements in Kuhn’s Theory of Science

17:00 Leonid Kornilaev

The Problem of Unity and Disunity of Science: Kant vs. Kuhn

18:00 Break

18:30 Angela Breitenbach (Cambridge 17:30)

Kant’s Normative Conception of Science

End of Conference



Valentin Bazhanov – Ulyanovsk State University / Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

Angela Breitenbach – King’s College, University of Cambridge

Karin De Boer – Catholic University of Leuven & Pavel Reichl – Heidelberg University

James Hebbeler – Saint Joseph’s University (Philadelphia)

Michael Bennett McNulty – University of Minnesota (Twin Cities)

Sergio Alberto Fuentes Gonzalez – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

David Hyder – University of Ottawa

Leonid Kornilaev – Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

Huaping Lu-Adler – Georgetown University

Rudolf Meer - University of Graz / Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

Lydia Patton – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Thomas Sturm – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona & ICREA / Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

Michiel Van Lambalgen – University of Amsterdam

Hein Van den Berg – University of Amsterdam & Boris Demarest – Heidelberg University

Alexey Zhavoronkov – Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) / Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad)

This event is the first in a series of three international conferences organized by the Kantian Rationality Lab – an international research project located at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad). The project, with currently 20 team members, focuses in study of Kantian rationality in philosophy of science, in ethics and in the project of Enlightenment.

Our conferences are supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation grant no. 075-15-2019-1929, project Kantian Rationality and Its Impact in Contemporary Science, Technology, and Social Institutions, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), Kaliningrad.

(Grifos e destaques)



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