"Call for Abstracts:
Workshop for doctoral Students at the Institute of
Philosophy at the University of Luxembourg
Topic: Concept and Intuition in Kant and Hegel.
Dates: 26-27 November 2019
Format: 30 minutes paper presentation followed by 30
minutes of discussion
Key note speaker:
Professor Dr. Markus Kohl (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill):
“Kant's Fourfold Model of Real Possibility”
Application: Doctoral students working on a dissertation
related to ‘concept and intuition in Kant and Hegel’ are encouraged to send
abstracts (max. 750 words) and short CV via email attachment (pdf) to Sven
Seidenthal (sven.seidenthal@uni.lu). Proposals should deal with Kant and Hegel
but can also be limited to either Kant or Hegel on concept and intuition. For
those accepted, we cover accommodation costs (max. three nights) and subsidize
travel expenses (max. 300 Euros).
Deadline for submission: 20 August 2019
The workshop is open to all who are interested in this
topic. Registration prior to the workshop required via email
Professor Dr. Dietmar Heidemann
Sven Seidenthal
Institute of Philosophy
University of Luxembourg
Campus Belval"
LINK: https://www.facebook.com/theNAKS/
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