terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2022


Philosophy of Psychopathology: Perspectives on Mind, Rationality, and Agency

Acostumado a ler Karl Jaspers, desde seu “Introdução ao pensamento filosófico”, e, sempre como "existencialista", ou como grande autor dos 2 volumes de “Algemeine Psychopathologie” a que tive acesso, inicialmente em português, e sempre os consulto, no original, à medida que vou aprendendo o idioma, sobre estes temas da Psicopatologia com qual sempre estou envolvido e estudando. 

Call For papers. Philosophy of Psychopathology: Perspectives on Mind, Rationality, and Agency


“Dossier - Continuous Publication

Philosophy of Psychopathology: Perspectives on Mind, Rationality, and Agency

Deadline: October 15, 2022

Publication date: Continuous Publication (July-December 2022)

Guest Editors:

PhD. Ma. de los Ángeles Eraña. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

MPhil. (c). Biani Paola Sánchez López. Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México.

Submissions should be in English, Spanish, or Portuguese: guidelines

Info: resistances@religacion.com

General Section, Book Review Section: Permanent Call 


Philosophy of Psychopathology: Perspectives on Mind, Rationality, and Agency

The COVID-19 pandemic forced changes in the face of which many people found themselves in particularly vulnerable situations. The effects of the pandemic on the mental health of the populations were manifested from the first days of social isolation and, currently, we recognize that the problems concerning the integration and care of those who during this time have lived with some psychopathological conditions have worsened. This scenario makes pertinent a call to critical voices that, from different approaches, increase the philosophical resources to understand psychopathologies.  

The philosophy of psychopathology is more than a chapter of the philosophy of science. The boundaries between traditions and subfields are blurred by the diversity and confluence of perspectives that emerge to address common questions. Some of them have to do with the great problems of philosophy of mind, epistemology, and philosophy of action: To understand mental health and illness do we need to appeal to natural kinds? How to reduce the harmful social consequences of psi classification systems? Are restrictions on the legal capacity of persons with psychosocial disabilities justified? In what ways can the exercise of their rights be guaranteed? Does psychopathology play an adaptive role in cognitive behavior? What is the duty of care providers towards persons with psychiatric suffering? What exercises of power are expressed in the institutional design for their treatment? Is there authoritative knowledge in the personal experience of a disorder?

These questions seek to trigger rigorous and profound reflections, guided by practical interests, that challenge the exclusionary, dehumanizing or reductionist conceptions of psychopathology. We encourage research that shares these objectives and build alternative discourses to the hegemonic ones, from feminist philosophy and decolonial studies. 

Special topics of interest: 

Ontology of psychopathologies and mental health.

Psychosocial disability and legal capacity

Philosophical studies of specific psychopathologies: delusions, hallucinations, distorted memories, etc.

Bioethical problems related to suffering and treatment.

Phenomenology and self-knowledge of psychopathologies.

Criticism of the medical model of mental health”


(Grifo e destaques meus)




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