O tema geral é o "idealismo" (aqui, nesse livro, em destaque o berkeleyano e o kantiano) mas, o que me interessa bastante e me levou a ler a obra são algumas "visões metafísicas" aproximadas do tema em geral que também me interessam e estão enumeradas aqui, na sinopse abaixo e no sumário. E, estou lendo com atenção:
"Idealism is a family of metaphysical
views each of which gives priority to the mental. The best-known forms of
idealism in Western philosophy are Berkeleyan idealism, which gives ontological
priority to the mental (minds and ideas) over the physical (bodies), and
Kantian idealism, which gives a kind of explanatory priority to the mental (the
structure of the understanding) over the physical (the structure of the
empirical world).
Although idealism was once a dominant view in Western philosophy, it has suffered almost total neglect over the last several decades. This book rectifies this situation by bringing together seventeen essays by leading philosophers on the topic of metaphysical idealism. The various essays explain, attack, or defend a variety of idealistic theories, including not only Berkeleian and Kantian idealisms but also those developed in traditions less familiar to analytic philosophers, including Buddhism and Hassidic Judaism. Although a number of the articles draw on historical sources, all will be of interest to philosophers working in contemporary metaphysics. This volume aims to spark a revival of serious philosophical interest in metaphysical idealism."
Although idealism was once a dominant view in Western philosophy, it has suffered almost total neglect over the last several decades. This book rectifies this situation by bringing together seventeen essays by leading philosophers on the topic of metaphysical idealism. The various essays explain, attack, or defend a variety of idealistic theories, including not only Berkeleian and Kantian idealisms but also those developed in traditions less familiar to analytic philosophers, including Buddhism and Hassidic Judaism. Although a number of the articles draw on historical sources, all will be of interest to philosophers working in contemporary metaphysics. This volume aims to spark a revival of serious philosophical interest in metaphysical idealism."
"O idealismo é um conjunto de visões metafísicas, cada uma das quais prioriza o mental. As formas mais conhecidas de idealismo na filosofia ocidental são o idealismo de Berkeley, que dá prioridade ontológica ao mental (mentes e idéias) sobre o físico (corpos) e o idealismo kantiano, que dá uma espécie de prioridade explicativa ao mental (a estrutura do entendimento) sobre o físico (a estrutura do mundo empírico). Embora o idealismo já tenha sido uma visão dominante na filosofia ocidental, ele sofreu negligência quase total nas últimas décadas. Este livro retifica essa situação reunindo dezessete ensaios de importantes filósofos sobre o tema do idealismo metafísico. Os vários ensaios explicam, atacam ou defendem uma variedade de teorias idealistas, incluindo não apenas os idealismos berkeleyanos e kantianos, mas também aqueles desenvolvidos em tradições menos familiares aos filósofos analíticos, incluindo o budismo e o judaísmo hassídico. Embora vários artigos sejam baseados em fontes históricas, todos serão de interesse dos filósofos que trabalham na metafísica contemporânea. Este volume visa desencadear um renascimento do interesse filosófico sério no idealismo metafísico."
(Grifos e Destaques meus)
PEARCE, Keneth L. (Editores). Idealism: new
essays in metaphysics. OUP, 2017.
Sobre o Autor:
Tyron Goldschmidt is a
visiting assistant professor in philosophy at Wake Forest University. He has
journal publications in metaphysics, philosophy of religion and the history of
philosophy. He co-authored Berkeley's Principles: Expanded and Explained (Routledge,
2016) and edited The Puzzle of Existence: Why Is There Something Rather
Than Nothing? (Routledge, 2013). Kenneth Pearce is Ussher Assistant
Professor in Berkeley Studies (Early Modern Philosophy) at Trinity College
Dublin. He has journal publications in early modern philosophy, metaphysics and
philosophy of religion. He is the author of Language and the Structure of
Berkeley's World (OUP, 2017).
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