sábado, 19 de novembro de 2022


Inicialmente, era só um projeto de leitura, na tentativa de compreender algumas críticas à filosofia de Immanuel  Kant que dizem que esse tema não aparece em seus textos. Encerrada a leitura do livro da profa. Maria Borges, continuei outras leituras e encontrei mais livros sobre o tema com contribuições de grandes especialistas em Kant. Portanto, prossigo os estudos.

“A relação entre razão e emoção deve seguir este modelo: ainda que as emoções, enquanto inclinações, não estabeleçam nem justifiquem princípios morais, elas não podem estar em contradição com os princípios morais obtidos. Dever significa poder, ou seja, não podemos estar comprometidos moralmente com algo que somos incapazes de realizar.” (BORGES)


“Ainda que Immanuel Kant nunca tenha usado a palavra 'emoção' em seus textos, é de vital importância para entender sua filosofia. Este livro, da profa. Maria Borges oferece um argumento para a leitura de Kant, que considera a importância da emoção, tendo em conta suas muitas manifestações em seu trabalho, incluindo afeto e paixão.” (BORGES)

“Though Kant never used the word 'emotion' in his writings, it is of vital significance to understanding his philosophy. This book offers a captivating argument for reading Kant considering the importance of emotion, taking into account its many manifestations in his work including affect and passion.

Emotion, Reason, and Action in Kant explores how, in Kant's world view, our actions are informed, contextualized and dependent on the tension between emotion and reason. On the one hand, there are positive moral emotions that can and should be cultivated. On the other hand, affects and passions are considered illnesses of the mind, in that they lead to the weakness of the will, in the case of affects, and evil, in the case of passions. Seeing the role of these emotions enriches our understanding of Kant's moral theory.

Exploring the full range of negative and positive emotions in Kant's work, including anger, compassion and sympathy, as well as moral feeling, Borges shows how Kant's theory of emotion includes both physiological and cognitive aspects. This is an important new contribution to Kant Studies, suitable for students of Kant, ethics, and moral psychology.”



“English-language readers now have the opportunity to learn about Brazilian philosopher Maria Borges's groundbreaking work on Kant and the emotions. In Emotion, Reason and Action in Kant – her first book in English – she expands and deepens her investigations into an underexplored side of Kant that is unfortunately still foreign territory for many of Kant's friends as well as foes.” 

(Robert B. Louden, Distinguished Professor and Professor of Philosophy, University of Southern Maine, USA)


“Among the recently increasing number of works on Kant on emotion, Borges's book is the most wide-ranging and insightful yet. Drawing on the full range of Kant's work in moral philosophy, anthropology, and aesthetics, she brings out the complexity of Kant's conception of what we now call the emotions and of the relation between his view of the emotions and his transcendental idealist theory of free will. A bonus is her demonstration that in spite of well-taken feminist critiques of Kant, he also allotted an indispensable role to women in the moral education of humankind at large. Borges convincingly argues that Kant made enduring contributions to our understanding of the nature and importance of human emotions.”

(Paul Guyer, Jonathan Nelson Professor of Humanities and Philosophy, Brown University, USA)


“Wide-ranging in topics and scholarship, Emotion, Reason and Action in Kant develops Maria Borges's initially shocking claim that we can learn something about the emotions from Kant. Since, as she argues, any adequate account of Kant's moral psychology must include his views about the roles of different emotions in moral life, Borges's book will be valuable to many.”

(Patricia KitcherRoberta and William Campbell Professor of Humanities, Columbia University, USA)

About the Author:

Maria Borges is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Santa Catarina, Brazil.


Lido e acrescentado em 2021 sobre as emoções na obra kantiana:

Mariannina Failla and Nuria Sánchez Madrid (eds.), "Kant on Emotions. Critical Essays in the Contemporary Context" (De Gruyter: 2021).
. ' .

New volume on Kant's philosophy:

Mariannina Failla and Nuria Sánchez Madrid (eds.). Kant on Emotions: critical essays in the contemporary contexto. De Gruyter, 2021.

«Kant’s account of emotions has only recently begun to receive the attention that this topic deserves, as it casts new light over the manifold features of transcendental philosophy. The authors expand the contemporary overview of the Kantian treatment from both a neuroscientific and a continental philosophical perspective. The volume opens paths to reevaluate neglected aspects of the Kantian model of human rationality”.


BORGES, Maria. Borges. Razão e emoção em Kant. Pelotas, RS: Editora e Gráfica Universitária, 2012. 

______. Emotion, reason, and action in Kant. Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

COHEN, Alexis (ed.). Kant on emotion and value. Palgrave MacMillan, 2014.

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