quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025


Desde que li pela primeira vez por indicação da profa. Clélia (In Memoriam) alguns textos do prof. Heiner Klemme passei a acompanhar outras obras que publicou. Hoje, estou lendo essa que acrescento abaixo.


Como podemos encontrar nossos rumos no mundo sem nos perdermos, como podemos preservar nossas habilidades e capacidades racionais? Kant é o filósofo da razão pura e do imperativo categórico. Mas suas reflexões sobre a autopreservação da razão também o mostram como um filósofo com uma consciência clara do que importa em nossas vidas: autoaprovação e autoconfiança, autopensamento e crítica, esclarecimento e humanidade, justiça e liberdade, superação de nossa dependência autoinfligida e a troca de argumentos e perspectivas. Com seu foco na autopreservação da razão, o livro oferece uma nova abordagem ao trabalho de Kant e oferece uma contribuição ao debate sobre a modernidade de seu pensamento.


Wie können wir uns in der Welt ohne Selbstverlust orientieren, wie unsere rationalen Fähigkeiten und Vermögen erhalten? Kant ist der Philosoph der reinen Vernunft und des kategorischen Imperativs. Aber mit seinen Überlegungen zur Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft erweist er sich zugleich als ein Philosoph mit einem klaren Bewusstsein davon, worauf es in unserem Leben ankommt: auf Selbstbilligung und Selbstständigkeit, auf Selbstdenken und Kritik, auf Aufklärung und Humanität, auf Recht und Freiheit, auf die Überwindung unserer Unmündigkeit und auf den Austausch von Argumenten und Perspektiven. Mit seinem Fokus auf die Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft bietet das Buch einen neuen Zugang zu Kants Werk und leistet zugleich einen Beitrag zur Debatte über die Modernität seines Denkens. How can we find our bearings in the world without losing ourselves, how can we preserve our rational abilities and capacities? Kant is the philosopher of pure reason and the categorical imperative. But his reflections on the self-preservation of reason also show him as a philosopher with a clear awareness of what matters in our lives: self-approval and self-reliance, self-thinking and criticism, enlightenment and humanity, justice and freedom, overcoming our self-inflicted dependency, and the exchange of arguments and perspectives. With its focus on the self-preservation of reason, the book offers a new approach to Kant's work and offers a contribution to the debate about the modernity of his thought.


How can we find our bearings in the world without losing ourselves, how can we preserve our rational abilities and capacities? Kant is the philosopher of pure reason and the categorical imperative. But his reflections on the self-preservation of reason also show him as a philosopher with a clear awareness of what matters in our lives: self-approval and self-reliance, self-thinking and criticism, enlightenment and humanity, justice and freedom, overcoming our self-inflicted dependency, and the exchange of arguments and perspectives. With its focus on the self-preservation of reason, the book offers a new approach to Kant's work and offers a contribution to the debate about the modernity of his thought.


KLEMME, Heiner, Die Selbsterhaltung der Vernunft: Kant Und Die Modernität seines Denkens. Frankfurt am Main Verlag Vitorio Klosterman, 2023.


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